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Monday, May 25, 2009

Important information on public health

The emergence of pain when trying to Gnawing or drinking cold fluids or 
Hot signs of cracking a tooth or a fracture in it. Indicate 
American Association for Dental Medicine, the possible reasons for cracking 
Teeth in the following list: 

• try to break or chew solid foods or sweets, or Kaljos cubes 
Ice using the teeth. 
• injured mouth. 
• grinding teeth. 
• Chewing on an irregular basis. 
• the loss of part of the dental Kalhaco. 
• filling of the nerves that make the teeth more susceptible to fracture. 
• dental exposure to temperatures excessive eating very hot syrup 
And snow 

Most minor burns are red and painful swelling may occur under 
The skin. 
Itakecr skin was burned shortly after to recover within six days. 
The treatment of minor injuries in the home as long as possible, it does not cover 
Tberp area of the skin. 

And advises the American Academy of Family Medicine, or not to oil 
Al-Zaid, or ice on the burn as it is familiar and rather 
Of the eating area burn in cool water and then counter-Ttaly Bmarham 

Covering the area of injury and gauze or a clean cloth and dry. Be changed 
Aldmadp every morning and paint the area to prevent the continuation of Palmarham 
Of inflammation. 
Housing can be used to reduce local pain burning feeling. 
According to the academy to the need to go to the doctor in case of non - 
Healing of the area after several days or in the case of inflammation or 
The presence of pain unlikely. 

Showing symptoms of sunstroke, when increasing the temperature of the body 
A result of exposure to high temperatures or the stress at work 
Certain activities such as sports for example.
According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and the joints need to 
Receive immediate medical attention if symptoms of this feeling: 

• general weakness accompanied by dizziness, nausea or headaches. 
• feeling of moisture the skin and sweating heavily. 
• pallor of skin color. 
• extreme thirst, loss of appetite. 
• dry mouth and throat. 
• mooing or loss of strength and muscle tension. 

Most types of injuries are treated at home without the need for 
Visit the doctor, but the deep wounds that may require quick attention 
To prevent infection. 
Nimroz Foundation says that the health of the U.S. in the event of injury and non - 
The possibility to go to the hospital as soon as the required procedures are 
Can work for the provisional deal with the situation, including the following: 

• money and wound pressure gauze or a clean cloth to control the 
• in the case of drink to change a piece of cloth is dry and clean 
And to continue the pressure. 
• raise the level of being injured part to reduce the bleeding. 
• take into account the lack of pressure on the heavily affected area in order to prevent tearing 

Most of the fragments and parts Kalshok glass are considered to be the removal of the 
The house without the need to visit the doctor as long as the superficial injury 
Located in the region of non-sensitive skin. 
In the event that the fragment in a sensitive area near the eye or other 
In the case of whether deep in the body, it is important to go the speed of 
To a doctor to surgically remove them and prevent infection. 

And advises the American Society of trying to remove the shrapnel in 
Home by following these steps: 

• For large fragments used needle or Mlqat after 
Sterilized with alcohol or flames. 
• Wash area with soap and water injury, taking into account the non-flooded 
Water if the fragment of wood. 
• the use of good lighting and magnifying glass if possible. 
• using Almlqat been arrested by the fragment and pull tightly 
The same angle by the shrapnel that penetrated the skin. 
• sterilization of the area after being out with soap and water fragment 
Takes into account medical coverage Blasq struggle if they left the wound.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Information about the glass industry

Is the glass industry of the ancient crafts of which stretches back to the Covenant 

Have been inherited from one generation to generation after generation until this day and age, where 
These products still have the reputation and craft a good reputation among the various 
Social circles, despite the entry of modern industries in the production of 
These products. 

The method of blowing glass in a distinctive position in the production of bottles 
And ornamental vases. This method, which relies on the mobilization of the air 
Inside the bottles and after a heated mold and melted at high levels of 

This craft has seen remarkable development in modern Islamic 
The Arab region, particularly in the Levant and in the Arab Maghreb countries have emerged 
Islamic decoration on the surface of the molds and bottles Boloanhaalmtalip 
Gold and Balnicoc and overlapping lines and engineering fees, which has characterized 
Islamic Art. 

Remained of this profession in prosperity and progress and has gained great importance and remained in 
Ongoing activity in the period between the fourth century AH, and even 
The fourteenth century, and then dismissed this as the old craft 
That relied on by blowing into the mouth and techniques 
Modern glass industry. 

However, the artisans have become modern day techniques combine the last 
Between the traditional and present Almakr technology and applications 
Modern. And increased attention to this craft artists, who 
Are seeking to serve the modern forms and further their creativity 
And innovation. 

The process of blowing glass in the mass of dough produces different forms of 
Kalobariv and glass products, vases and candle holders and boxes 
Sweets and ornamental boxes and bottles and other pieces .. Where the literal 
Shape and size to be the final piece of the composition and subsequently choose the type of
Decoration and carving on the surface. 

Craft and related glass and closely linked with decoration products 
And accessories, is one of the leading arts and popularity in the past decade 
In different times and places. 

Need verbatim, who works in the glass industry to the high technical skills 
And continuous training for long periods of time up to 4 years to perfect this 
Industry, and to work and to persevere in this craft and the hard shoulder fatigue before the 
Furnaces operating in the high degrees of heat.

As well as to provide the capability to be creative and artistic at the literal for the acquisition of 
More skill and creativity is in this craft, which need to be 
Keep pace with time and development and production of different models and then the other. 
This is a craft-based occupations to its environment, it is 
Depend on the remnants of glass raw material and color, colors 
Chosen by the artisan. 

Types of glass 

Identified many different types of glass from the old, in modern times, 
There Almahq shot glass, which is an ancient handicraft return 
Back hundreds of years, which is used in glass Mottler 
Mosques, palaces and various buildings, which rely mainly on 
The skill of the artist and creativity through innovative designs and models 
Modern design is the work and achievements of the key element in the creation of any 
Work on glass, whether carved or decorated, or painting 
Where it is through the chemical in the atmosphere of high temperature. 

Today is also the tax on glass by color or brush machines 
Devoted to modern painting and engraving on glass, where the sand is 
And tools for sculpting and decoration. Will also be using the glass cutting machine 
Amputation, which is called (the wheel). 

The stained glass has become one of the most modern materials in the buildings, which 
Was regarded as a mere decoration for a long period of time, which is today 
Steps to more innovative as a result of the optimal exploitation of the possibilities 
Large in the glass, as well as the exploitation of new technologies 
And the development of creative thinking and engineering. 

The stained glass has exceptional importance in Europe after the war 
Second World, it was designed some adult artists glass panels 
Color in the religious buildings. 

But the enthusiasm quickly fades, and diminished the resolve of the artists and creators 
Lost their virulence in this profession furnishing monuments, and the situation remains
As it is until the eighties, where the achievements of contemporary 
Rare and were not by the glass makers workshop Iqterpaddha per cent 
To stand not for the restoration work carried out by, but the heritage of the French 
The industry remained in the wider Europe. 

No one is releasing the glass in the world is full of these techniques 
Profession, it means covering almost all aspects of construction and architecture 
And decoration of the building walls and Xotha to an article of furniture to elegant 
Art of modern accessories industry. 

How to make glass 

Pouring a little limestone, which is also called gypsum, a greater volume of 
Soda shops exist in abundance and greater quantity of sand 
Which is the main ingredient is glass, then the mixture is heated to a temperature 
Up to 850 degrees Celsius, as in the figure, where the mixture can be received 
The barrel of the iron and blow at the head for Emphysema 
Glass or receipt template is ready and blowing it out of the air 

Important information: 

First: the sand is the main article because it contains material Alsellka 
Which is the glass 

Second: the temperature of crystallization of silica which is 1700 degrees Celsius Drjo 
Very high heat, add to that 10% of limestone and 15% of the 
Soda to reduce the temperature required for crystallization of the silica 
850 ° C 

Third: for the glass is colored by the addition of some material 
Chemical during the smelting order to obtain a green glass, add Chromium 
For the addition of cobalt blue glass and thus

Friday, May 22, 2009

The history of the auto industry

Has invented the auto industry since the development of a great and very fast and 
Become the present day in a very big role to play in the global economy .. 
Was the invention of the first engine in the world at the hands of the English world of James Watt 
The first world Ptthbt the steam engine (on the railway line) is 
Stevenson also much English in 1825 
Either from the invention of the first internal combustion engine, a French World 
Lenoir and software in 1860 this engine was limited to species 
Connected to the fixed gas as he had been working non - 
Economic, although much of the world for the development of Lenoir Pachtrall this 
The current internal combustion engines. 

Development of vehicles (cars) in Germany 

Nicholas August Otto invented the internal combustion engine of a four-stroke 
This has been the engine and less weight and the largest amount of 

Appeared Kutleb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, who were working with 
Came first in the industry, a small gasoline engine 

Obtained a patent on the Daimler gasoline engine, horizontally Basitoanp 
Brass cylinder and ignite the flare had a speed of 900 and its role in 

Karl Benz made the first car in the world, and the ignition fuel Kahrbaina 
Has reached its capacity (1 / 2 kw) 

Daimler produced the first motorcycle in the world 

Daimler's first car-making in the world, four-wheel 

Rudolf Diesel got a patent on the engine of fuel, which is called 
Diesel Engine 

The sons of Adam Opel started producing cars in the city of Roslsheim 
Disease and also the use of air-filled tires 

The evolution of cars to its current form 
• the subject of either the car engine 
• radioactive Imam and his engine fan 
• increase the number of cylinders to four 
• belts have been replaced in the transmission four-speed gearbox to Emami 
And one rear 
• The invention was Kmalk Ben Guile (Alcarpiratir) 

Produced the first Mercedes car, which named after the daughter of one of traders 
Austrian (Illeniec) under the Daimler factory has made Mapeach 
This capacity, which amounted to Alsearah 26kw)) a great success 

Was the first diesel engine installed in the car for the first time 

Dr. Ferdinand Bhorshi started designing a car (Volkswagen) 
And ended in the autumn of 1936 made the first three cars of this Tejrebih 
In the common type in 1938 was the construction of the Volkswagen factory Alfolex 
The city of Wolfsburg to produce this car has been a Roja 
Great inside and outside Germany after the Second World War 

Daimler-Benz company, has started production of motor cars diesel 

Felix designed staffing agency Fancl Bkbact spinning engine known as the engine of 
Staplers Alldorarh 

Production began quantitative cars (nsu Spedr), the first motor car 
A spinning Kbact (staffing agency Fancl engine)

Kutleb Daimler (1834 - 1900) 
Karl Benz (1844-1929) 
The first one-Benz vehicles in 1885 
The car is the first user 
The evolution of motor vehicles in France 

Benz introduced its compounds in France and then in the supply of a large number of 
Subsequent years 

Daimler has an exhibition in France and then sold the patent to Banhard and 
To Ivasur This was the beginning of the automobile industry in France and then 
Or Zdhrt and initially Bsitr the auto market for a long period of 
Much time and since then, the circulation of French words 
Such as driver Caufer = 
 steel frame 
Limousine car = special closed roof 
= Cabriolet car roof can be opened 
The development of motor vehicles in the United States of America 

Henry Ford produced the first car Amarkih 
The foundations of the Ford factories in the city of Detroit, Ford was able to lay the foundations 
Initial production of typical and economic method of introducing the assembly line 
Continued in its factories 
T Aftraz of the cars produced under the (1907-1927) and the production of Oousel 
Daily in 1925 to nine thousand cars a total production of this 
Class five and ten million price was a car in 1926 
260 dollars. 

T model, which produced (1907 - 1927) 
The daily production in 1925 to 9000 car 
The total production of 15 million cars 

The development of motor vehicles in other States 
States have been able to establish a number of industries for cars, but were not 
Notable contributions in the automotive industry 
One of these States and England, Italy and Japan, which is today one of the 
The most important producing countries in the world of cars

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dates of important stages in the evolution of the plane

Dates of important stages in the evolution of the plane 

In 1500 the innovative development of the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, graphic 
Machine-wing aircraft Rfravp. 
Achieved in 1783 by French Jean-P. Bellatr de rozier, and the Marquis 
Darland the first rise in the air in the balloon is lighter than air Users 
Hot air for that. 

1804 Sir George Kiley was the first British model to a 
Glider successfully. 

In 1843 to develop and S. Lim. Hanson, innovative designs for the British aircraft 
Paid automatically includes a steam engine 
Many of the major parts of modern aircraft. 

1848 John Strnajafillo built, the British, on the basis of a microcosm 
Hanson aircraft designs, 
This aircraft has been launched, but it is no longer in the air only a short period. 
1891 - 1896 Otto became Ilintal, Germany, led the first successful 
A glider in the air. 

In 1896 was Samuel b. Langley, the American model for a paid automatically 
Steam engine. 

In 1903 by Wilbur and Orville Wright, the American Oelber first sorties 
Air is heavier than air aircraft, 
Paid automatically, near the town of Kitty Hawk, United States of America. 
Cut the plane in the first Talaatha 
A distance of 37 m and remained in the air time of 12 seconds 

1906 Trajan able Fula, innovative, Romania, to build the first aircraft 
The size of a single full and suites, 
A position, but did not fly. 
In 1909 became the French Louis Blerio the first person to fly across the Channel 

In 1913 by Igor A.. Sikorski, innovative Russian-building and leadership 
The first aircraft with four engines. 

In 1915 the first flight of the aircraft made entirely of metal, and 
Kabuli wing, made in Germany under 
Name Yuncrz c 1 

1924 A test of air in Germany for the first plane manufactured in full 
Of metal and equipped with three engines 
A Yuncrz c 23. 

In 1927 the famous transport aircraft of the Lockheed Vega, with the engine 
Per the first flight. 

In 1930 the British engineer Frank Whittle, the development of designs 
For his thoughts on the jet engine. 

1936 Douglas transport aircraft entered the de.'s Service on 3 lines 
United States Air America. This aircraft has become the most 
Used in the history of airlines. 

1939 in Germany, as the first flight of a jet engine. 
In 1947 by Charles Yaeger, Air Force pilot, Captain America 
Keep them flying beyond the speed of sound through air missile 
Bell X-1 

1952 Dihavelndikumit the plane, the first jet airline 
Jumbo jet, the service. 

In 1953 started the first helicopter transport aircraft, the Vickers Viscont, service in the 
Airlines Organization. 

In 1953 became a United States aircraft P-100 Super Saber fighter first 
Jet operation. 

1958 Boeing 707 began to work and was the first transport plane 
Working between the United States and Europe. 
The plane was in 1960 the British Hawker b 1127 the first aircraft 
Single engine taking off and landing vertically. 

In 1968 the first test pilots of Russian transport plane in the world 
Beyond the speed of sound, a Tu-144. 
Services began in 1970 a Boeing 747 jumbo jet. 

In 1976 the aircraft entered service in the Concorde passengers. Transport plane 
Beyond the speed of sound involved in the manufacture of both Britain and France. 
In 1995 launched the Boeing 777 to serve the passengers. The largest aircraft 
Dual jet engines in the world. 

2000 Concorde plane stopped the flight until the knowledge of the causes of 
Cracks which appeared on her body.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Information about the gold

Most of the gold that has been discovered since 6000 is still in the possession of rights 
. If the compilation of the gold and brother-in-law may be a rib 59 cubic feet 
And weighs 103,000 metric tons 
The gold metal is more flexibility and can voluntarily withdraw per ounce 
In the form of wire or a 5-mile road in the form of a thin plate 
So covering an area of 100 square feet 
Gold is the most intensive component of the world, that more intensive iron twice 
One and a half time lead twice. That the square feet of gold weighs 
About 1200 lbs 
To extract one ton in the mines can be obtained through the oz 
One of the gold 
Federal Reserve Bank in New York City stores and 12 tons .500 
Metric of gold worth about 144 billion dollars in the safe under the ground 
An area half the size of football field 
An estimated $ 8 billion tons have been melted in the world's oceans, and 
There are 35 metric tons are still in the earth's crust 
More than 19 tons of gold were produced in all the wedding rings 
Jewelry industry is the most widely used of gold, compared with today, 
That about 2000 tons of gold were used in the jewelry industry in 
1990, up from mine production of 1734 tons in size 
Arab World 
In some cases, chips are used for the work of the gold decoration 
Altortp often this happens in Japan 
Carat word (a word used to describe the jewelry) is derived from the 
Words of Arabic, Greek and Italian to describe a tree Kharub beads. 
The tree was a grain Kharub used by traders as an upon the sale of 
Gold and jewelry 
The jeweler used in the identification of the purity of a sample of 24 gold needle 
Gold up to the purity of the first 1-24 from the last sample is selected 
Khaddchha by the test of gold, then the resulting scratches compared with scratches 
Caused by needles. In spite of the use of needles and Mahkat to detect 
On the purity of gold is no longer fashionable, that the system of purity is still 
Exists. Thus, the gold of 24 carat gold is 100% pure gold 
18 mm is a part of the 18 gold and 6 parts of other metals, 

The first production of gold in the United States was in the north and not Karawlinia 
In California, in 1799, followed by another in an atmosphere Integeat 
Georgia 1828 

Is mine (Home Stake) in Walid, South Dakota, the oldest mine 
Of gold in the world, has been the discovery of gold there for the past 115 years 

The largest bloc gold was discovered (Welcome Stranger), and discovered in 
Australia in 1896 and weighing 2,280 ounces

Bermuda Triangle

Scientific information about the Bermuda Triangle 

Bermuda Triangle mystery of mysteries is the nature of people in the puzzle solved since 
Hundreds of years, 
Is still so far in spite of the many assumptions, one oddity of nature 
You talk about newspapers, magazines and television from time to time 
And surrounded by a halo of surprise and uncertainty, this triangle is that part 
Of the Atlantic Ocean which has swallowed up inside the thousands of ships and aircraft without 
To have an impact, 
Nobody has been able so far, certainly explains the mystery of the disappearance 

Talk about (the Bermuda Triangle), such as talking about the tales 
Greek myths and stories and free, but the difference here is 
Is that the Bermuda Triangle a reality witnessed in our time 
We read in newspapers and magazines and the Arab world, and goes Us 
To say that the Bermuda Triangle 
Is the greatest challenge facing t

he people of this century and the centuries 

Geographical location: 
West of the Atlantic Ocean to the south-east of the State of Florida, U.S. 
United States of America, 
And more specifically the region take the form of the triangle extends from the Gulf of 
West Mexico 
Leeward Island of Bermuda and then south 
(A group of 300 islands, a small island Mohlop population 65,000 inhabitants) 
And then from the Gulf of Mexico and the Bahama Islands. 

The reason for the name: 
Known as the Bermuda Triangle that name in 1954 during an incident of the disappearance 
Of the aircraft and was in the form of a triangle before disappearing in the flying 
As if they were reviewed in the air, and then this region has become known 
This name 
And has been known by, this area has been designated by several names, including 
"The devil" "devil triangle 

Point of disappearance in Bermuda: 
In a certain area north-west Atlantic Ocean (Sargasso Sea) 
Pegrapth where known, 
A large area characterized by the presence of water, a certain type of sea Hamul 
Called "Sarjasam" 
Float, where large quantities of water masses in the form of impeding the 
The movement of boats and ships, 
I think Columbus was when he visited this region in the first of his trips to 
Was close to the beach 
Were encouraged to continue in the hope that travelers access to the beach 
But it was without the benefit of 

Characterized by the "Sargasso" complete calm, it is not completely dead sea by 
Any movement 
Where scarce by air currents and wind, was launched by the 
The names of many astronauts 
Including the "Sea of Fear", "Cemetery of the Atlantic" because it was seen by the 
Of terror and horror during their flights. 
Research has indicated the new flights to the presence of a large number of ships 
And boats 
And submarines lying in the depths of the sea, dating back to periods 
Different time 
Since the beginning of human flight over the sea, and most of the ships sank in the 
Deep Sea 
In mysterious circumstances, as well as the disappearance of a large number of ships 
Without leaving any trace, and also in the depths of the sea there are hundreds of 
Crew and passengers of these vessels. 

The beginning of the phenomenon of disappearances in the Bermuda: 
In 1850 disappeared from the region near or more than 50 
Some of its leaders were able to send messages in the moments of danger, and this 
Messages were vague 
Vague and could not be interpreted to mean one thing. 

Most of these missing ships follow the United States of America 
The first ship, "Ansrzint" had disappeared and the 340 passengers on board, 
Followed by the disappearance of the submarine: Aschorbion "in 1968 on board 99 

On the ships that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle: In 1880 the ship 
English, "Atlanta" 
290 members and the number of individuals, and in 1918 the USS 
And the number of personnel 309 people. 

The disappearance of the aircraft: 
The disappearance of the sky, the Atlantic Ocean where the disappearance of 
Flying over the Atlantic or over the transfer of Bermuda. 

1 / 1945 was launched from a base Lauderdale, Florida 
Five U.S. aircraft 
On a training mission in Florida to begin flight (distance 160 miles east of 
Al Qaeda, then 40 miles 
North and was flying in the form of a triangle). 

The number of members of the squadron of eight pilots and five assistants to the high degree 
Of skill and experience, 
The commander of the squadron, Lieutenant, "Tharlestaylor", which represents the 
In the course of the task was the flock is at the moment about the wreck of the ship 
Shipment of goods j 
Floating on the surface of the ocean south of Bimini (Bimini), and while waiting 
Air base 
To a letter from the (Squadron 19) to determine the port access and landing instructions 
Al Qaeda has received a strange letter from the Commander Squadron says: commander ( 
Lieutenant Tharlestaylor) call rule: 
We are in a state of emergency, we seem to move completely out of the line "I can not 
Vision of the Earth, 
I can not determine the place, "I think we have lost in space, everything 
Strange and very confusing 
I can not even determine which direction the ocean seems to us not in a very strange place 
I determined, " 
And then cut off the channels of communication between al Qaeda and Squadron 19. 

It is the aircraft that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle: 
1 / 1945 in the aircraft disappeared from the two bombers 
For the American forces. 
2 / In 1948 the British passenger plane disappeared, "Startejr" 
The 31 passengers on board, 3 / 1949 in the passenger plane missing 
British "Starorel" 
The 37 passengers on board, 4 / 1956 in the plane (p5m) 
Of the American navy 
With the crew (ten individuals). 

Q: Is there a certain timing to avoid disasters in the Bermuda Triangle?. 
Observers noted that most disasters occur in certain seasons, they 
Disappearances by the seasons 
A period of vacation between the months of November and December and February, especially the pre - 
The beginning of the year 
New or beyond. 

Explanations that explain the mystery of this triangle: 

1 / Clay Pigeon theory: 
It says that there is a relationship between the appearance and the disappearance of ships and aircraft in 
This region. 

2 / the theory of earthquakes and their relationship to what is happening in the Bermuda Triangle: 
It says that the occurrence of earthquakes at the bottom of the ocean waves generated by the 
Strong and violent 
The ship makes a sudden dive to the bottom and moving strongly in a few moments, 
For the aircraft that generated by the tremors and waves in the atmosphere which 
Lead to an imbalance 
In the balance of the aircraft and the inability of the pilot to control. 

3 / the theory of magnetic attraction and their relationship to what is happening in the Bermuda Triangle: 
The instrumentation in the aircraft during their passage over the Bermuda Triangle 
Disturbed and moving 
Random, as well as a compass in the ship, which indicates the presence of 
Or force to attract very strange