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Monday, May 25, 2009

Important information on public health

The emergence of pain when trying to Gnawing or drinking cold fluids or 
Hot signs of cracking a tooth or a fracture in it. Indicate 
American Association for Dental Medicine, the possible reasons for cracking 
Teeth in the following list: 

• try to break or chew solid foods or sweets, or Kaljos cubes 
Ice using the teeth. 
• injured mouth. 
• grinding teeth. 
• Chewing on an irregular basis. 
• the loss of part of the dental Kalhaco. 
• filling of the nerves that make the teeth more susceptible to fracture. 
• dental exposure to temperatures excessive eating very hot syrup 
And snow 

Most minor burns are red and painful swelling may occur under 
The skin. 
Itakecr skin was burned shortly after to recover within six days. 
The treatment of minor injuries in the home as long as possible, it does not cover 
Tberp area of the skin. 

And advises the American Academy of Family Medicine, or not to oil 
Al-Zaid, or ice on the burn as it is familiar and rather 
Of the eating area burn in cool water and then counter-Ttaly Bmarham 

Covering the area of injury and gauze or a clean cloth and dry. Be changed 
Aldmadp every morning and paint the area to prevent the continuation of Palmarham 
Of inflammation. 
Housing can be used to reduce local pain burning feeling. 
According to the academy to the need to go to the doctor in case of non - 
Healing of the area after several days or in the case of inflammation or 
The presence of pain unlikely. 

Showing symptoms of sunstroke, when increasing the temperature of the body 
A result of exposure to high temperatures or the stress at work 
Certain activities such as sports for example.
According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and the joints need to 
Receive immediate medical attention if symptoms of this feeling: 

• general weakness accompanied by dizziness, nausea or headaches. 
• feeling of moisture the skin and sweating heavily. 
• pallor of skin color. 
• extreme thirst, loss of appetite. 
• dry mouth and throat. 
• mooing or loss of strength and muscle tension. 

Most types of injuries are treated at home without the need for 
Visit the doctor, but the deep wounds that may require quick attention 
To prevent infection. 
Nimroz Foundation says that the health of the U.S. in the event of injury and non - 
The possibility to go to the hospital as soon as the required procedures are 
Can work for the provisional deal with the situation, including the following: 

• money and wound pressure gauze or a clean cloth to control the 
• in the case of drink to change a piece of cloth is dry and clean 
And to continue the pressure. 
• raise the level of being injured part to reduce the bleeding. 
• take into account the lack of pressure on the heavily affected area in order to prevent tearing 

Most of the fragments and parts Kalshok glass are considered to be the removal of the 
The house without the need to visit the doctor as long as the superficial injury 
Located in the region of non-sensitive skin. 
In the event that the fragment in a sensitive area near the eye or other 
In the case of whether deep in the body, it is important to go the speed of 
To a doctor to surgically remove them and prevent infection. 

And advises the American Society of trying to remove the shrapnel in 
Home by following these steps: 

• For large fragments used needle or Mlqat after 
Sterilized with alcohol or flames. 
• Wash area with soap and water injury, taking into account the non-flooded 
Water if the fragment of wood. 
• the use of good lighting and magnifying glass if possible. 
• using Almlqat been arrested by the fragment and pull tightly 
The same angle by the shrapnel that penetrated the skin. 
• sterilization of the area after being out with soap and water fragment 
Takes into account medical coverage Blasq struggle if they left the wound.

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